Nalekhiyeko Itihaas

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A book which gives a glimpse of political situation of specific period od Nepalese society, which was encountered by the author, Radha Krishna Mainali.

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Product TagsBook, Novel, Books, Nalekhiyeko Itihas
Seller Countries: Nepal

Book- Nalekhiyeko Itihas

Writer- Radhakrishna Mainali

Category- Biography

Publisher: Alchemy Publications

Price: 6 hundren NPR inside Nepal,  US$ 10 outside nepal


Description about the book:

There is a breaking point to pleasure. We can't do two things at the same time. We cannot walk east and west at the same time. We cannot live the life before we are born.

Our heart also wants us to enjoy the unseen time. Indeed, even experience a society where it had never reached. For many, it is conceivable only in imagination. But for those who are reading, there is a secret way to get a glimpse of a life they have not experienced. The book is the only way.

Studying someone's life story is a smart way to experience the life you haven't seen. This book by Radhakrishna Mainali is additionally an approach to encounter another life. Many individuals have a direct and indirect hand in making the present situation as it is. A unique experiment in Nepal's political history is the Jhapa movement, which has far-reaching implications and significance. How much is the vibration of its pioneer Radhakrishna in the society we are living in? What image did the way of his life reflect in the reflection of our society? What is his experience, insight and conclusion about this society, state framework and life?

Nalekhiyeko Itihaas” is the response to these and similar questions as well as it is a portrayal of an era. Tears well up in the eyes when read. The inertia of Nepali society and the hypocrisy of politicians also raises a wave of uncertainty. Why this country is not developed? This book also gives a valid justification for this, however in an indirect way. To understand that, you have to understand the expressions and signs expressed in 'Between the Lines'. It is said that in politics, the mind is dynamic, not the heart. While reading this book of Radhakrishna, who has spent his entire life in politics, it seems that he has written it with all his heart. So, there is an interest in understanding this.

In a practical sense, we can call many situations, events and experiences 'personal'. But from a bird's-eye view, nothing is very personal. It also contains a comprehensive picture of the society and the time he lived. In this sense, no one's biography can be personal. It is a picture of the time he lived and saw, in his eyes.

From this point of view, this book of Radhakrishna will be an eye-opener to give a sweet glimpse of a specific period of Nepali society for the next generation. This is the genuine magnificence of this book.


भोगको एक सीमा छ । एकै पटक, उही समयमा हामी दुई कुरा गर्न सक्दैनौं । एकै पटक पूर्व र पश्चिम हिँड्न सक्दैनौं । आफू जन्मेभन्दा अगाडिको समयमा पुगेर बाँच्न सक्दैनौं ।

मन चाहन्छ, नदेखेको समयको पनि भोग गरौं । अनुभव गरौं त्यस्तो समाजको पनि जहाँ पुगिएकै थिएन । धेरैका लागि यो केवल कल्पनामा मात्र सम्भव छ । तर जो पठनशील छ उसका लागि आफूले नभोगेको जीवनको पनि झल्को लिने एक गुप्त बाटो छ । पुस्तक त्यही एक बाटो हो ।

कसैको जीवनगाथाको अध्ययन भनेको आफूले नदेखेको जीवन पनि भोग गर्ने एक चुस्त उपाय हो ।

राधाकृष्ण मैनालीको यो पुस्तक पनि अर्काे जीवन अनुभव गर्ने त्यही एक बाटो हो । हामीले भोगिरहेको यो समय जस्तो छ त्यस्तो हुनमा कैयन मानिसको प्रत्यक्ष परोक्ष हात छ । नेपालको राजनीतिक इतिहासमा एक अनौठो प्रयोग हो झापा आन्दोलन जसको कैंयन् दुरगामी प्रभाव र महत्व छ । त्यसका प्रणेता राधाकृष्णको स्पन्दन हामीले बा“चिरहेको समाजमा कति छ ? हाम्रो समाजको ऐनामा उनले लिएको जीवनको बाटोले कस्तो तस्वीर परावर्तन ग¥यो ? यो समाज, राज्य व्यवस्था र जीवनप्रतिको उनको अनुभव, धारणा अनि निश्कर्ष कस्तो छ ?

‘नलेखिएको इतिहास’ यी र यस्ता प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर त हो नै, यो एक युगको वर्णन पनि हो । पढ्दै जाँदा आँखा रसाउँछन्, मन विह्ल हुन्छ । नेपाली समाजको जडता र राजनीतिज्ञहरुको पाखण्डले मनमा झञ्झाबातको लहर पनि उठाउँछ । यो देश किन बनेन ? यसको एक मिहिन कारण पनि पुस्तकले दिन्छ तर परोक्ष रुपमा । त्यो बुझ्न ‘विट्वीन द लाइन्स’ मा पोखिएको भाव र संकेतलाई भने बुझ्नु पर्छ । भनिन्छ, राजनीतीमा हृदय होइन मष्तिस्क सक्रीय हुन्छ । जीवन पुरै राजनीतिमा बिताएका राधाकृष्णको यो पुस्तक भने पढ्दै जाँदा लाग्छ, यो उनले पुरै हृदय लगाएर लेखेका छन् । त्यसैले यो पढ्नमा एक रस छ ।

व्यवहारिक अर्थमा हामी कैयौं परिस्थिती, घटना र अनुभवलाई ‘व्यक्तीगत’ भन्न पुग्छौं । तर बिहंगम दृष्टिले हेर्दा केही पनि कुरा नितान्त व्यक्तीगत हुँदैनन् । त्यसमा समाज र उसले बाँचेको समयको साँगोपाँगो चीत्र पनि हुन्छ । यस अर्थमा कसैको जीवनी पनि व्यक्तीगत हुन सक्दैन । यो उसले बाँचेको र देखेको समयको एक चित्र हो, उसका दृष्टिमा ।

यस हिसाबले भन्दा राधाकृष्णको यो पुस्तक आउने कैंयन् पुस्ताका लागि नेपाली समाजको निश्चित कालखण्डको मधुर झल्को दिने एक आँखीझ्याल हुनेछ । यही नै यस पुस्तकको असली सौन्दर्य पनि हो ।



About the writer:

Radhakrishna Mainali is one of the organizers of the Nepali Communist Movement. The Jhapa movement is an event of special significance in Nepali politics which was started by Mainali himself. Mainali is currently in UML. His “Lutiyeka Dui Thunga” is a very popular book reminding of the brutality of the Panchayat.


राधाकृष्ण मैनाली नेपाली कम्युनिष्ट आन्दोलनका आयोजक मध्येका हुन् । झापा आन्दोलन नेपाली रानीतिमा विशिष्ट महत्व ओगटेको घटना हो जसको थालनी उनै मैनालीले गरेका थिए । हक्की स्वभावका मैनाली हाल एमालेमा छन् । उनको लुटिएका दुई थुगा फुल पञ्चायतको बर्बरता सम्झाउने निकै चर्चित पुस्तक हो ।

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